Wildlife Stories Arkveld guide: hit the beta flag

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There is true a victim of hell in hell wilds wilds wilds beta that camera cross the rest, and that arkvveld, a massive wyvern. Arkveld is not battle in first beta-wilds’ “ghost is new open to him to put the bedding with it The easiest way beta fight against Doshaguma or Chatracabra, don’t expect to get out easily this time.

The beta’s arkveld quest is a battle, but no battle that you are prohibited with weapons and weapons. Worse, you only get 20 minutes to take it.

What type of spirits are Arkveld?


Wildlife Stories' Arkveld, one free reason

(Image Credit: Capcom)

Ghost Style: Wyvern

School Affinity: TBC

Ailments: Dragon

Weakness: TBC

Witch: Storm
