The Indeed quietly mountains is doozie. Konami’s producer, motoi OKAMOTO, famous about the Akirir Yanha all participated in the River Firthes, which Okamoto admitted to wait for long. “
I was happy about quiet f from the beginning. Even at the beginning is the short teaser short trailer, I can’t help but get high in the first house quietly played to be set up Japan. Three years later, I have received reward to make the flames of hope in my heart.
Silent hill f | Filled market (4K: En / Pegi) | Baptum – YouTube
Although eating at different locations, Hill F will count all classic silent staplets: twisted monsters and confusion. But with all of these will be the main part of an unfapins fully play: the theme of being evil.
“The concept of this game is ‘looking for beauty'”, Okamoto says. “” While silent f beat series a great deal of Japanese horror if the idea is afraid to see in beauty. When something becomes actually being amazed and perfect, it does not make it deep. And so players will be aware of the world from the eyes of a girl who has experienced beautiful decisions. “
Silently h will follow Shimizu Hinako, a young man who had fallen in anxiety and afraid when a strange city. He will check the city, avoid the monstrosities and solve the lawn to survive and “the ultimate decision that it should do.” This decision will be an important part of the silence and so we have not done, only “a beautiful choice.” I’m starting to know the pattern.
(Picture Credit: Konami)
However without knowing this would mean that, I am not concerned about the essence of the essence of the Japanese worker is Higurashi: when they cry. “
It will be the first Ryukishi07 participant in a quiet job, but that doesn’t mean it is new to the needles. “About now, I played all the Herukianschi07 says.” I only in shock that I had to be a silly manner and I was ecstatic. “
Received from the story of this Japanese horror to play the persecution, “Ryukishi007 says.” Why do I think that it will have the same own answer. “
While now we know more about the strong under the hills f, we have not yet known days. But you can Need to play now which is a way to have freedom with more information about this job.