Ubisoft responds to claims it has signed a Saudi deal for new Assassin’s Creed content

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Ubisoft has responded to the suggestion that there are new details for 2023 new shooter is in Saudi Arabia conflict (pif).

The report, published by the financial magazine Ferch Les echoessaid Ubisoft Boss Yves Guillemot secured PDIll funding secured PIF funding last month in Saudi Arabia (Thanks, John Nathan).

In a statement to Eurogamer today, a Ubisoft spokesperson declined to comment further, but did not confirm.

“We will not be commenting,” a Ubisoft spokesperson said. “We’ve been focusing on this killer shooter and are excited for players to be able to play it on March 20.”

Ian Go hand-in-hand with the assassin’s creed mirage.Watch on youtube

The pif is an initiative created as a way to strengthen foreign companies, with a different arm for the video games industry. It is the leader from Prince Mohammed to Salman, the ruler of the conflict blamed by the CIA for the murder of Washington Post Correspondent Jamal Khlashoggithat has been done to the country Statement of Information Complaints PolicyThose.

Apart from this, the pif holds a vision that is important in a gaming face, including Grand Finale, Nextendo, EA, Minon and Capcom.

Ubisoft has recently been looking for investment, as the company talks about its future with the Chinese government does not choose and explore the options.

The content for Assinin’s Creed Mirage is something of a surprise, considering Ubisoft’s next opportunity for a long wait.

Mirage, set in ninth-century Baghdad, is designed to be a successful assassin, and something of a villain for these assassins.

Released in late 2023, the crime was created by Ubisoft Bordeaux, the first time the murder house of Awaji, the first 10-hour that a person who received for free.

But the DLC for Mirage could tie into Ubisoft’s plan for a full-fledged sequel to the series, found in the animus hub. This will leave the shadows as well, and be the main house for the regular stories and free gifts. (Eurogamer just got a deep dive into the Assassin’s animus Hub, and that’s all we know so far about what it will have.)

Shadows appears to be telling a completely new story, with the present day set in the “near future”. Will new DLC for the focus used to tie some matches of the modern killer, after the end of the killer has ended this killer?

Eurogamer recently got hands on with the shooter Clehed Share, which our Kathiarine described as the “biggest game in the series in years”.
