Today’s Wordle: Answer and hint #1300 for January 9

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Whether you’re after some special Thursday Wordle tips or hoping to read something that will make the game a little easier, we’ve got something here that can help . Take a look at today’s guide if you need some guidance, and make sure you use our simple guide on how to pay for each estimate. And if you still want something more? There is no problem. Answers on January 9 (1300) Wordle wait a little longer in this page.

I’m doing amazing in every non-profit way that can be today. Two yellow letters? Very good. As long as they don’t end up with two yellow letters in the gap on the next line. Four green vegetables? Now we are talking. As long as the difference is not a black nightmare where the dream of victory quickly dies, however. Who knew there were so many ways?

Today’s Wordle hint

(Photo credit: Josh Wardle)

Today’s Wordle: Lessons for Thursday, January 9