Text Fairy is a free Ocrary scanner app with multiple cell phones. It can scan almost all letters you put in it. In addition, it also supports reading and released the form. By using the maximum APIS of Google, MS, or even Yandex. It can scan the files in hundreds of words. After scan, you can update the data and stores in different forms to pick up or refer to others.
- Extract the text from the image.
- Edit, share, or delivering a PDF
- Work offline to protect yourself.
- Read aloud. (Text-to-speech, tts)
- Know the text by more than 110 languages.
- Scan the file with different text messages.
- Control your scanned files (edit, share, remove) (edit, participating, withholding)
- It can be cleaned the shape, adjusting the thought and directly the line
- Never seen the text in difficult data.
- Please note that text that text fairly can not read the text.
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