Terraria’s latest update, Journey’s End, arrived in May 2020—except its last update came out a few months later, in October 2020. Ah, but then ” “Unfinished business” makes the Labor of Love update in 2022, something producer Re-Logic said “we need to do before we can feel happy to continue.” But then instead of moving on, another “ultimate update” was announced in 2022.
That update, 1.4.5, is now supported finally The last Terraria update, but only because it’s not finished yet. It was supposed to come out in 2023 but that didn’t work, and didn’t make 2024. It got there, but the choice is to make the 2024 release, or just let it go and come out sometime in ’25. , which the studio eventually chose to do.
“We’re sure that won’t be welcome news for many people – but we’re still committed to being a quality-first studio, so we’ll take our time with every update to felt ‘worth it’ … and we think once the update is out, everyone will appreciate the time and attention,” Re-Logic’s Ted “Loki” Murphy wrote at the time. . “Sorry this took so long, but it will be worth it.”
Ah, but there’s another secret reason Re-Logic won’t stop working on Terraria: Life itself. “Terraria will not die if there is a final update,” lead developer Andrew ‘Redigit’ Spinks told Bluesky (of GamesRadar ).
He also revealed his long-term plan for Terraria, which is not only to make a great, unforgettable movie, but to achieve immortality: “Do before I die, I will leave my heart to Terraria, there I can troll the players for eternity.”
(Image credit: Redgit (Bluesky))
Hey, it’s good to have a goal, although I think Spinks isn’t all that serious here. However, he has a history of trolling Terraria fans: In 2022, for example, nine years after the release of Terraria 2, Spinks changed the location of his Twitter bio to “Terraria 2 – One Day New,” which caused a huge fan controversy until Re-Logic admitted that he (and a bunch of other people at the studio) were just having some “fun” with the fans. wind
Re-Logic got away with it because of it yes All in good fun, for one thing (Spinks also recently announced a new refund policy for Terraria: There’s no question as long as you can beat him in one fight) , but also because Terraria is a really good game, holding an “excellent” rating across more than 1.3 millions user reviews of Room . That’s a staggering number, and the fact that it continues to draw thousands of subscribers every day, 14 years after its initial release, is just as impressive.
The scene has become something of a joke among the Terraria community over the years—Re-Logic just can’t stop working on it—but I don’t think that’s the point. good, though. It’s like Eric Barone and Stardew Valley, really: We want to see them do something new, but if they want to keep hammering on the old stuff until the sun cools and the mountains crumble into the sea , that’d be great too.
Unfortunately, Spinks did not say when Terraria update 1.4.5 will be available. However, he promised to finish: “We go back to work tomorrow and I’ve got one goal: to release the last update. My game face is on .”
(Image credit: Redgit (Bluesky))