If you are a person who has just studied in stock or no time to follow it on exchange, ideas will be a good choice. You can see the checklist in the text all the time, anywhere you want to know about the product or companies you want to study.
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Observe the text, get the storage items like on exchange
Many charts show the product of many companies of exchange. It looks like you’re on a real exchange. In addition, you can look at the detailed information about the product movement. Go to the market, users will receive the shipment that is almost equal to the real floor. The application will delete the amount of real time; For additional areas, it will be slower.
Following products, portfolios every day
The users can track the goods from the group and lists such as the amount of funds covered, S & p 500, and coins. Follow the market and the news business of the CNBC Place, Americans today can get the notifications of the product changes in places. Important information will be sent to you in your phone notification bar or your email inbox.
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Tool inspections to all speed and good
Nyob rau Stock Tswv, yuav muaj ntau hom khoom lag luam rau ntau yam khoom lag luam xws li roj, kub, ETD / jpy, GBP / USD , Aud / usd, USD / CAD. Because there are many features and information, many people will be confused or found that it is difficult to find what they want. You need inspecting tools that give you access to the area you need. The Bookmark is able to draw information and resources you need to invest in.
Key features
- Track the kits and detailed information on all products like a real exchange
- Get the license for everyday business; to the US, it is true the same as a real time; To another area, it is later
- Watch business and financial information and get important notifications in a bar or your email inbox
- Special items of multiple products, monitoring foreign exchange information
- Testing Tool for Rapid Research and accuracy, Bookmarking tools for collection portfolios
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