Spirit exchanges: LFI type to match-3 for is the cooler’s problem melt away

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The exchange of exchangeThe candy-brown candy will call tetris to the heart. Like tetris blocks, they are still on your eyes when I close my eyes, bouncing up and down to a lo-fi win. More than once I wish I could step up step from the screen is immersed in beaten, no role without the duty of the board. No thoughts, the head empty, broken glitter.

You play as Samar, the external spirit. When the souls from another world is safe to come to the city, it is your work to know why and restrict them. You do this from swapping, associated with the line and rows of colorful color in comparison to your city friends. As you have to challenge them to see the soul, and check the confirmation of the demons, you can also fall in love. It took together our talents that often combine playing in other games, and different attempts-into a polished-3 tournament.
