It has exceeded the first year since the first person served at nvides ray tropitecture when 2018, this is compatible with innovations in the software location. RTX Mega Geometry has been reported by 2025 with many examples of technology: Alan Raise 2. Even the best performance is That it is Run 20-series and 30-dose gpus often.
Let’s start with root – what is RTX Mega Geometry? This requires an understanding of the RT. As something standing, all the game really creates two worlds – the world when you see it always has different points of environment. BVH stands for electric containers hierarchy. Rays are prepared for BVH standards and their guidance is calculated. As you can think of, RT itself is already in charge, so created and tracing into BVH’s model added to the price. In addition, there are limits – when the world’s game can make the animals, it doesn’t mean to be the BVH would be, can cause not to be malicious .
Enter the RTX Mega Geometry, which is important API for storage mode and hierarchy for bvh standards, with geometry and assets. The focus is on the product that has the product of the levels-of the transactions of the ranking and adaptation where the amount of changes is constantly. Mega Geometry added new level to the bhh model: clas or group acceleration. In addition to the time to a process X-ray, the best combination of detail and support for sound sites.
RTX Mega Geometry is important one nvidia-branded version of the transaction of RT App to be brought by each seller. In the world of mesh the nanite and the basic DXR APIs without recommendations for the alan wake 2.
This name is a great use of the RTX Mega Geometry as the World Game is rich in detail of mesh shadows and is very animated. In Alan Wake 2, Geometry is physical moving and changing like the flesh, which does not affect ‘faking’ it with the VERTEB. Everything that makes it difficult with the existing bvh model. A number of options are in place to increase grade – eg Decent The form animation value is from the player. The first 10 meters are full of fees, follows half, third and three months most into distance. Of PS5, this is more halved. The closest detail runs at half price, and only the characters running on the total amount.
RTX Mega Geometry is clear and measure improvement. Like for liking, VRAM is reduced by 300MB in my experiments. In definitions, Raza 4060 is now running faster than using the lighting directly and lower directly to escape from hoping. Meanwhile, CPU performance passes. Of success 5 3600, I found one 100 percent improvement to have the frame in the sequence we have made our GPU examination.
Control food
For GPU performance, I was removed with FSR Upcaling and lower walks with direct light, looking for R RTAX 2080 hours there are 13 percent of work. Outside of the demonstration scene and in real gameplay at 1080p using DLs enlargement structure, run by the first area 20fps land about 30fps. Move to RTX 3080, better performance by 10 percent. On 1080p DLSs Quality Brand, frame-rate is now northern of 40fps and do not pay the lips below. Intriguly, however, I have recorded no success in the same test of RSX 4090. However, you get all good progress that I talk about the past.
Beyond rtx mega geometry, new version of Alan Wake 2 also prior to the new rack open. This gives the largest bang for the buck, with anything more in the realm of diminishing.
Ultra RT is an increase in addition to the extension settings, add more independent additions that are more important to add the RT technique. That starts with improvement to transparent ray tracing, allows the facts than in effect with more bounces. The second, unfair lighting is installed, causing a better shadow and more accurate shade. All said, all new features are often improved but looking for time to play easily, it is the best for the material of Equipment.