As our Harvey Randall wrote, we are all still playing Baldur’s Gate 3 more than a year after its release because there is so much to discover in it. Gale can write a sad removal letter if you ignore him long enough, and there is a game over just for those who go out of their way to miss important items. While I was playing I was distracted by Astarion’s vampire-spawn brothers by taking a longer break in the Lower City, something that apparently many other players didn’t. have met. Although I haven’t seen what happens if you let Astarion get vamp-napped, though.
According to the information of the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit from Soft_Stage_446, Astarion is brought to his tortured master’s house to be punished by a fossil investigator named Godey. A whole scene you won’t see the drama out of Astarion’s perspective, even if you chose to make him your character’s background. And then you get the chance to escape as Astarion, or switch to someone else in your party and give up trying to save. There is even Discussion for many friends’ reaction to Astarion’s abduction.
It’s not a sequence that you’ll see by accident, even if you’re a regular person like me. The vampire spawn is not a tough match, so you have to go out of your way to let them drop Astarion and then deal with him. And you should have him in your party when there is an attack. If you don’t it will still join, but not help. (When tested, it spend 15 rounds throwing rockets instead of fighting.) And if defeated, in this case he just dies.
Speaking of rarity, this is based on a dialogue that you can only find out by choosing to be Dark Urge, and trying to collect your legacy from the Temple. Or the last one you can just unlock by playing evil Lae’zel, and be evil. Only 34 players have seen that when we write about it, but those 34 people have a great story to tell.