Loot is a no-nonsense RPG with a classic D&D feel

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Although many big names are trying to viet for dragon’s hoard, Steal by Gila RPGs has found its unique way of making the classic D&D experience. When most people think of Dungeons & Dragons they think of two things: rolling dice and going for an epic adventure. The three foundations of D&D – questing, socializing, and combat – are often said to be the foundation of adventure. A less recognized (but equally true) drive for adventurers is loot. Magical items, powerful weapons, and cold defense equipment allow the explorers to enter the dangerous dungeons and fight against the powerful dragons. Steal shows that you can have all of that, without rolling over one.

Spencer Campbell of Gila RPGs is known for gaming through video games (including his games Rune and REAPcrunchy soulslike solo TTRPGs). His recent game, Steal is in a city that has just overthrown its former lich overlord – and its vast wealth is now free for the taking. But the people were left to fend off the creatures and tribes that came to fill the vacuum and claim the city as their own.

Players work as freelancers, adventurers who have come to town under the promise that they will protect the warring factions in exchange for unexpected loot . There are two main levels of play: exploration and combat. During the search, players venture through the forest, city streets, and dungeons. During battle, the game master breaks out a 6×6 grid for battle.

It all sounds pretty (albeit important) fare for a D&D campaign, but instead of relying on skill and dice, players have the ability they need to manage (However xij) which gives them three ways to solve problems: Force, Flow, and Focus. Each player starts out with one available for each lane, increasing depending on the loot they have equipped. Every time a player faces a challenge or a problem – in or out of battle – the GM will ask the PC to use and draw out the communication.

There is no option for failure here, which some players may find strange, the consequences for the management of resources are related to how serious the problem will be caused by compete. As Campbell writes in Quick tutorial begins“The PCs are considered adventurers, with their limits represented by their willingness to push through obstacles, or change their ways to accommodate compete.”

While print copies of the game will be available at the end of January, a pdf of the game is available now for $20 at GilaRPG itch.io store.


Gaming,Previews,Tabletop Games