The second opens beta tested for Monster Wilds is greeting hunting hunters, with one day plus everyone is the last weekend. It is necessary to jump in, even if you’ve tried the first time in November last year, as you will receive a new gift to take to the entire game released.
And if you are unable to rely on where the first open beta tested the weapon pendant gift, no fear. Participation in the second open beta, when it unrecret, nets you both set up the gifts. Here is the full name of all you can get.
Every Hunter Wilds Beta Rewards
- Felyne Weapons Pendant (OBT 1 reward)
- Raw meat X 10
- Shock insert x 3
- Traps x 3
- Tranq bomb 10 10
- Large across Ball N 3
- Armor sparee x 5
- Flash Pod X 10
- Large dung pod x 10
Those are some beautiful gifts, if you ask me. For the start, you can capture the animals out of the pool grievance, although some hunting and even give you a chance Make a good protection thanks to the witness spheres.
How to get beta gift
Thank you, nobbing the gifts do not want you to make a real hunting. All you need to do is get from the attitude of the behavior so that beta can create your data character, which can be carried to all games if you want.
You also need to make sure you do this on any platform you want to play all the game on. Since you are here, I think the hunter Whunter Wilds without games the beta of PC later or repeated.
You can only get all the gifts once-so if you have played all three betas, you can only get the gift listed above. No bad models!
The second hunter of the Wildlife OBT 2 begins for February 13 of 7 pm pt / 10pm et / February 14 of 3am GMT and run until February 17 at 6:59 pm / 9:59 pm En / two 18 at 2:59 am GMT.