Final Fantasy 14 Pounds Next, 7.2, will launch on Tuesday 25th March.
As always, the recruiter seeks for eternity – will continue to new questions and dreamers, and more competitive, and more. What can you see from the trailer below – who is the boys with blue hair?
However, Cosmic view of thought and crescent operation after: the same in Patch 7.21 at the end of Patch 7.25 on 27th.
The news was revealed by the director and the nooki deceased decorator New letter from the streams.
The main points of the stream with this view of flamboyant chief captured in arcadion a week after the Patch:
Control food
Also, this cute look up the wire friendly:
Control food
Finally, Yoshida and international designers toshio murtiing for some new products:

As mentioned in the previous letter from the manufacturer, the 7 x is continuously, however, it is perhaps most desired.
Of a different color, players can search for fighting monsters to kill the monsters and leadership, with different forms of consistency. The difference between your level and that of the enemy will disrupt the damage when there is no change in knowledge.
Players will also have a second supportive work to encourage their own potential, with the office like MMO’s co-outive gameplay.
Cosmic investigation, at this time, is the new activity for equipment with and friends, with the new month to explore. Players will explore the moon, gathering materials, and build roots – his story is all about installing the train.
First of the animals, Yoshida was interviewed by Japanese’s electricity Namatuuwhere he has presided this patch will be the largest to the date. That will ask for your fans that have burned out of the game from the water of water.
Another small change Yoshida has been included in including using a mount while running and new areas, both can help with quick search.
In addition, Yoshida tells the care he started to doubt about such many Fantasy 9 instructions in Fushtrijet 9 Instructions in Fushtrijet 9 Instructions Automaton).
“About FF9 points, I gave Torn … at first, I think it will be the best way to play the game,” he said.
“FF9 is masterpiece, and everyone has the desire to connect to it, so I have wanted to avoid having the current stories from the construction.”
Of course, the fan series should know about the details of the final work 9 remake, but Square Enix has also been described projects.
Before today, Square Enx show off the last fantas fantasy can now be sold than 200m copies worldwide.