Dataminers turn up potential content on WoW’s next player real estate – from Cataclysm Classic PTR, of all places

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The dataminers seem to have struck some hypothetical gold while panning for content in, bemusingly, Cataclysm Classic’s public test realm (PTR) of all places. In case you don’t know, the players estate – a request of 20 years MMO – is absolutely coming to World of Warcraft in the game expansion, Midnight. The only question is, what will it look like?

As seen from WoWHeadA list of event documentation is available on the Cataclysm Classic PTR, in a file called “PlayerHousingConstantsDocumentation.lua”. While .lua files have many uses in coding, they are mostly used by players in development of addons-as for why it appeared on the Classic server, which may not have received new features, some players think it’s just a quirk of the system.
