Dab Nrhiav Haujlwm tsim nyog hais tias ‘Muaj ntau tus neeg ua si tau ua si hauv PC, suav nrog hauv Nyiv,’ thiab hais tias hauv Nyiv, ‘thiab hais tias hauv Nyiv Vuam Tebchaws Npaj lawv npaj rau Wilds’ Hnub 1 Pc Tua out and cross
Talk with GamestradarGWS Hunter Frame Processes Ryozo Phopomoto Talk about the PCOMing Wilds simultaneously dedicated to all platform with crossing.
“Many player than PC, including in Japan,” Beacous PC increase game with a new business game and a recent for use PC GAMERS. “We will see room for the needle to capture new people who didn’t try before if they choose platform.