Celeste back on hold after studio falls apart, devs ‘refocus’

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Earthbladefollow up 2018 2D platformer Celestehas been canceled, developer Extremely OK Games announced in a blog post on Wednesday.

“We decided on this in December and thought it best to wait until now to announce it,” the developer wrote. “For us inside we have had some time to act, grieve, and work to accept this, although that process is not linear and is still being done.”

The post describes a “disagreement about the IP rights of Celeste” last year by former art director Pedro Medeiros and Unexpected Games cast members Maddy Thorson and Noel Berry. The three of them “finally reached a solution, but both sides also agreed in the end that we should go our separate ways.” Medeiros left the team November and now working on their own game, Not yet.

OK Games did not hesitate to say that the disagreement was not the reason for the game’s cancellation, but it made the company “take a closer look at whether to fight to finish. Earthblade is the way forward. ” Although it was announced in 2019, the team said that it “is not as far as one would expect after the continuous development process.”

Earthblade was meant to be another 2D platformer in the style of Celesteborrows its pastel pixel art style and Metroidvania exploration elements. The game will follow the main character Névoa as they explore a ruined world with a soundtrack composed by Lena Raine, who previously composed music for Celeste. The first images of the game were revealed at the 2024 Game Awards and showcased its beautiful 2D levels and flawless sound.

Celeste’s Success has empowered us to deliver something bigger and better with Earthbladeand that pressure is a big part of why the work of him has become exhausting,” he wrote. “Pedro is not to blame for this – in fact the separation with him has caused we clearly see that we have lost, and time to admit defeat. I heard many ways about it, but one big feeling is that there is no hope. “

Other members of the group decided to leave last year as well, leaving Thorson and Berry as the remaining staff members of the Unexpected Games. The developer said he wanted to “wipe the slate clean” and refocus on “small projects.” “We’re re-modeling and exploring at our own pace, and trying to re-discover game development closer to where we’ve been at it. Celeste’s or TowerFall conception.”

